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Ruichang Lian new regulations and improve people renting
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Recently, Ruichang City, introduced the "low-rent housing Ruichang 2010 distribution management", for the low-cost housing allocation policy in an orderly manner to provide protection for residents in difficulty to solve the housing problem fundamentally. "Management Measures" provides low-cost housing on the application review and approval of family practice "three audits, the three list publicity", that is, community committees, the first instance, a list publicity; district offices to review the second list publicity; government body to oversee the , Home, housing authorities review, low-cost housing allocation review the leading group, three list publicity. Housing distribution 摇号 way through open classification and housing distribution in order to determine the applicant. At the same time, the principle of housing distribution and housing distribution defined sequence, that is, low-cost housing application in 2009 and participated in the ballot not Yaohao family, by "three-tier review, the three list publicity" to ensure the distribution of eligible direct shake the room number; in major projects within the city limits of land acquisition and relocation due to family difficulties, unable to afford housing, ensure that the allocation is evicted; Poor Families eligible for priority allocation; per capita housing area of 10 square meters below the low-income families, depending on the situation through a public housing摇号 resolved. It is understood that the city's low-rent housing housing distribution is scheduled for mid-December this year, there will be 192 residents live in new houses difficult.