Position:home>Rental contract>What law problem should note when signing the contract that rent a house
What law problem should note when signing the contract that rent a house
From;  Author:Stand originally

If the building state of lessor consign and agreement not agree with, tenant whether if refus hands in property administration fee to wait,defy with other measure? This should see the both sides agreement in the contract. If both sides agrees property administration fee pays by tenant, criterion tenant cannot reject to pay property administration fee.

Hire by lessor collection, it is pair of price of tenant use building; Property administration fee manages company collection by property, it is the charge that property company is all owner, tenement to offer service institute collection with his management activity, both is not impact of a legislation, cannot confuse sth with sth else. But if both sides is in the contract,do not have concrete agreement to this, criterion lessor has no right to ask tenant pays property administration fee.

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